Mon - Sat 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM ( IST )


Kaichoondy, Vagamon, Kerala, Pincode - 685503



Santhiyoga / Naturopathy

Detoxification and enhancing Pranic force in the body called Naturopathy. Naturopathy and Yoga are two wheels of a cart. Apart from yoga and nature living, there is no medical treatment which can provide complete health knowledge in Naturopathy and nature living makes everyone self-depended for one’s own health. Naturopathy is not just treatment but a way of life.

Naturopathy Workshop

A Naturopathy Workshop is conducted in which the yoga aspirants are given basic understanding of the philosophical and practical aspects of Naturopathy. Extensive information is imparted on the quantity and quality of food to be taken. The session gives emphasis on one of the basic practices of yoga i.e. Proper Diet.

Practical preparation of a variety of food items with the active participation of the students will be a spectacular experience for all the participants. A number of items like aval Savoury, herbal juices, different types of soups, uncooked payasam etc. are prepared as a part of the workshop. The students arriving from the different parts of the globe have great interest as they are actively participating and improving knowledge in these preparations.